
Operation of Restaurant and Café

Operation Restaurant and Café


When we think of our business in terms of a product, what do we really sell? The obvious answer is not always the right one. Some of us tend to think in terms of ‘I own a café therefor my product is a cup of coffee’ or ‘my pasta is the best in the area and this is my product’. All this is may be true, but before long someone with a better recipe will move to your area and your customers will go there. What we are really selling is leisure time or escape from daily routines. You can give me 5 good reasons why a customer should visit your establishment, and I bet I can give you 10 reasons why he should not. I found that we often tend to forget that our coffee or pasta can be sourced in other places. What we are selling is time with a colleague when we are on break from work, or an evening out with the kids and a romantic dinner with a partner, all of them far-reaching reasons than just another coffee.


So, whether you have just set up your café, or things are not going very well in your well-established business, or you just need a new perspective of what you can improve. A Star Anise opinion can show you a new way of doing things.  That’s where I can help. It’s often the case, we really can’t see what is obvious in front of our eyes. It can be as simple as your product display, the position of your coffee machine, your POS system, or this extra cookie you would like to sell with your coffee. Across the board, product display, organisation and the flow are extremely important. Have you tried entering your big supermarket chain to get only a bottle of milk, just to realise that you are coming back with more you have intended? Why is that? You think to yourself, ‘I just crossed the entire shop to get my milk!’  – product placement, front of house display and overall shop front is the key here. Remember, if it’s good for the big corporations it’s good for your small enterprise.